Kanban Training

In today’s competitive global and business environment, it is essential to have a Thorough knowledge and understanding of production planning and scheduling so as to reduce the overall manufacturing costs and thus improve productivity.

After successful completing this program, the participant will be able to:
1. Understand the demands of our customers today and how they affect the supply chain management
2. Be equipped with the latest techniques like Kanban that will position your organisation to be competitive
3. Increase and maximize the utilization of the manufacturing facility through a more effective and efficient production planning and control
4. Improve your creativity in planning and implementing Pull system instead of Push system
5. Build positive working relationship and garner better support internally and externally through Suppliers for a better control on Inventory & Quality
6. people who currently work in planning (Yearly OR weekly Plan)
OR are moving into a planning role need to understand difference between planning and scheduling
7. The Principles of Manufacturing Planning, how to design and use Material Requirement Planning (MRP), calculation of inventory levels and creation of Bills of Materials (BOM).

Module 1: Fundamentals of Production Resource Planning and Control in TPS
• Production Resource Planning & Control – In TPS system
• The Customer-Supplier Chain – Functional Performance & Inter phases on the Chain
• Order Management to reduce variations in Production
• Material requirements planning (MRP)

Module 2: Production & Planning through Kanban system
• Production Layout & Work-Flow – Efficiency & Effectiveness
• Interface with Suppliers – Proper system
• Human Capital & Capability Management

• Module 3: Production Management & Control
• Shop floor and Parts data collection
• Standard Inventory control and two bin system
• Total Inventory control
• Total Inventory control of Maintenance parts and & Tool Management

Module 4: Forecasting, Long-Term Capacity Management & Continual Improvement
• Forecasting in the supply chain
• Production forecasting techniques
• Selecting suitable Pilot section and Parts
• Calculating OEE and how to improve it
• Monitoring production capacity utilization
• 10 Steps of Implementation of Inventory control Module
• Related Examples , Films and case studies

Anyone involved with manufacturing who has not received formal training in this subject. A good course for Production Planners, Schedulers and Co-ordinators, Production Supervisors and Managers, Buyers and other procurement and logistics specialists in manufacturing businesses. Also useful for IT and finance staff involved with manufacturing. Manufacturing and production control managers, industrial engineers, plant managers, material and purchasing managers, factory superintendents and customer/technical service managers

• Presentation
• Group Activity
• Question & Answer Session
• Case Studies
• Discussion of Problems

Benefits of attaining workshop:
 At the end of the day, participant will able to gain knowledge on
 Effective space utilization in Shop
 Proper arranged and systematic storage of fast, slow and non-moving items
 Reduction in search time
 Systematic replenishments
 Smooth material flow without shortages
 Over Production reduction
 Reducing material storage space in factory Stores
 Smooth flow of material and reduce material handling
 Reduce your cost of inventory
 Become truly responsive to your customers’ real needs
 Make your scheduling and shop loading more efficient to reduce delivery time
 Narrow the gap between sales estimation and stock replenishment.
 Better inventory management and reducing load on managers
 Determine your exact stock status and inventory burden

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